Published 2022: Cole, J. What’s in a name? Connecting Sustainable Community and Racial Justice. In Ruiz, J.P. (Ed.). Comunidades Intencionales: Utopias Concretas en la Historia. Autonomous University of Madrid.

Published 2021: Cole, J. (2021). Photography, healing, and justice in Appalachia. Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis, 3(1), 46-74

Published 2020: Cole, J. (2020). Ecovillages, sustainability, and social and environmental healing. In Rinker, J. A., & Lawler, J. T. (Eds.). (2020). Realizing nonviolent resilience: neoliberalism, societal trauma, and marginalized voice (Ser. Conflict and peace, vol. 2). Peter Lang Publishing.

Published 2019: Cole, J., Horton, H., & Pini, M. (2019). Culture change or same old society? consensus, sociocracy, and white supremacy culture. Communities, 184(184), 53-56

Published 2018: Cole, J. (2018). Skill building for a culture of collaboration. Communities, 181(181), 40-44

Published 2018: Joe has an article in the Spring 2018 issue of Communities magazine titled, "I'm Not a Racist, but Racism is in Me--and in my Community."  The essay explores Joe's journey addressing racism in himself, US society, and in the intentional community movement.  Download a free copy of the entire issue here:


Published 2016: Joe has a chapter in the 2016 book by Routledge Press, Experiential Learning in Philosophy. The chapter is titled, "Studying War and Contributing to the Community," and describes the use of community-engaged learning and experiential learning in his courses on the ethics of war, conflict, and pacifism.

Published 2014: I Built My House on a Volcano/Mi casa en el volcán, a bilingual picture book for all ages in English and Spanish

click here for more information on the book

herman volcano t

Coming soon: Joe is working on a manuscript exploring the morality of war, titled The Virtuous Warrior and the The War on Terror


Warrior's helmet, Olympia, Greece

In progress: Joe is writing a memoir on love and relationship.


Site photography by Joe Cole